Evidence-based medicine is an array of care guidelines, care patterns, and new shared decision-making tools for both caregivers and patients. The cost of healthcare could be […]
Excellence in healthcare derives from three major areas of expertise: clinical care, leadership, and operations. Although clinical expertise and leadership are critical to an organization’s success, here […]
To design effective and efficient systems and processes or improve existing processes, knowledge of the systems and processes is needed. The “knowledge hierarchy” as it is […]
Problem-solving and decision-making tools and techniques can be used to help in gathering the right information to make optimal decisions and learn from those decisions, as […]
At the core of all organizations are their operating systems. Excellent organizations continuously measure, study, and make improvements to these systems. Solutions to many of the […]
A project is a one-time set of activities that culminate in the desired outcome. Therefore, activities that occur repeatedly, for example by making an appointment for […]
Although most people would agree that ensuring quality in healthcare is of the utmost importance, many would disagree on exactly what “quality” means. From the customer’s […]
Most healthcare organizations have good strategic plans; what frequently fails is their execution. Environmental causes commonly cited for the failure of execution in healthcare organizations include […]